This week, my daughter's favorite activity was taking M&M candies to do counting and sorting by colors. (because I let her eat them when we were done!)
Other things we did this week was read the book Circle City and then did up our own circle book with pictures of tires, faces, and donuts.
We made a C mini book, and instead of writing the whole word on the lines in the book. She is just writing a big "C" and a little "c".
We did lots of counting and coloring this week! Along with reading books like The Very Hungry Caterpillar, C is for Clown, Chrysanthemum, The Little Cookie, If You Give A Mouse a Cookie, and a couple about Clifford.
I made little C word flashcards using C word book from abcteach. I changed my printer to resize the pages so that all 6 pages were on 1 page! Then I printed the page on white card stock and cut them out for her to color and use and also made a little pocket for them in her "C Lapbook".
Our Bible story this week was about Moses and the 10 Commandments.
We ate cake, cookies, carrots and candy for snacks. I know not very healthy in the snack department!