Saturday, May 9, 2020

Scholastic Learning At Home

This morning, I came across Scholastic's Learn at Home website and had to share it with you.  They have divided up the learning into four grade level categories. Once you choose a grade level you are taken to FOUR weeks of learning.  Each week then has FIVE days of learning of your choice. In the younger grades you have a choice of reading a story, watching a story, doing an activity, watching a video on the topic that was learned for that day.  In the upper grades 6-9, there are articles to read of the selected topics each day along with activities. 

There is definitely some good material and information within the website. I am sure that kids who loved those Scholastic magazines that they would read at school will love diving into this website as well.

Photo Credits: Adam Van Spronsen/Shutterstock (bear), Kinzie Riehm/Image Source/Getty Images (4 children) Illustration by Allan Davey (Revolutionary War); Courtesy of Lily Hevesh/Hevesh5 (domino sculpture)