Monday, December 1, 2008

Celebration around the World--Hanukkah Unit Study

History Channel’s history of Hanukkah including a video clip

Hanukkah for Children crafts, recipes, traditions, quizzes and more.

Hanukkah at Idea Box games, crafts, and recipes

Education World's lesson plan

The Dreidel Game lesson plan

Hanukkah lesson plan geared 4th and 5th graders

All about Hanukkah Spiritual insights, stories, lessons, and fun, including a user-friendly Chanukah how-to-guide

Day by day guide of Hanukkah

Hanukkah practical guide

Hanukkah recipes

Hanukkah History

Hanukkah coloring pages and worksheets

menorah craft

Chanukah on the net , e-cards, coloring pages, recipes, history and more

Books & More

1 comment:

Donna said...

Thanks for posting all of these! My kids have been wanting to know more about this holiday.