I did two trips to Meijer this week and did very well. I got some free candy bars, cheap taco seasoning and taco sauce, along with some cheap cottage cheese and breaded fish.
Along with my Meijer trips, I went to Walgreens, Target, Family Fare, and Duthler's.
The Walgreens and Target trip were to get some non-grocery items that were on sale there that I could use a few of my expiring coupons.
- 2 bottles OxiClean spray
- 2 tubes Aspercreme
Total OOP: $7.74
Total Savings: $13.65
- 1 Cascade PowrPacs
- 2 bottles Clorox bleach
- 20 ct. Tide Stain Release
- 1 bottle Aussie shampoo = Free after cpn
- 1 bottle Herbal Essence shampoo = Free after cpn
- 1 tube Neosporin
- 20ct Bandaids
Total OOP: $12.63
Total Savings: $12.22
Family Fare:
- 8pk Bounty paper towels
- 24 cups Yoplait yogurt
- 6 lbs apples
- 6.95 lbs ground beef
- 1 dz. eggs
Total OOP: $34.04
Total Savings: $30.44
- 2 half gallons Chocolate Milk
Total OOP: $2.66
Total Savings: $2.70
Grand Total OOP: $57.07
Grand Total Savings: $59.01
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This post is linked to:
- Shopping Round-up at The Grocery Cart Challenge!