Last week's menu plan went pretty smoothly and was followed very well! It is amazing how the tone of the kitchen changes when the menu plan is posted for the whole family to see during the week. I got more help from my kids this week in the kitchen with having the menu posted than what I did the week previous when I was lazy and didn’t post it.
Also last week, I tried a new recipe called "salsa chicken". The family is divided on the liking of the dish, however, if you come back tomorrow I will have my review of the recipe along with the recipe posted for your trying enjoyment.
This week’s shopping trip was a major trip! I am trying to get back into the swing of a “major trip” every two weeks. I can’t quite swing a monthly grocery shopping trip so I like to do major shopping every two weeks instead. So far this is working well for my family.
This week’s menus are some family favorites. I am gearing the meals more towards the kids’ favorites as my hubby will be working late a couple of days this week. Also this week, I don’t have any appointments or grocery shop so this “homebody” will hopefully be getting some baking done for the freezer. I really need to think about getting some baking done as the warm weather is just around the corner and it is hard to justify turning on the oven in 80 degree heat!
Lunches listed are for the kids & me. Unless we are having leftovers, our lunches are served with apple slices or baby carrots along with fruit juice or water. Hubby usually takes a dinner leftover along with various snacks for his work lunch.
A special thanks to Laura-Organizing Junkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday! Need help with your menus; go check the over 400 other delicious meal plans that have been linked at Laura-Organizing Junkie’s site or look down in my right sidebar for my menu suggestion lists!
Sunday (3-22)
Breakfast: eggs, sausage or bacon, hash browns, and jiffy muffins
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: pizza party @ church
Snack: snack basket
Monday (3-23)
Breakfast: cereal, toaster strudel
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: saucy pork chops served with rice and peas
Snack: snack basket
Tuesday (3-24)
Breakfast: waffles and sausage
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: sloppy joes served with French fries and a fresh veggie tray (carryover from last week)
Snack: snack basket
Wednesday (3-25)
Breakfast: bagels, eggs and cereal
Lunch: sandwiches & chips
Dinner: goulash served with homemade corn muffins
Snack: snack basket
Thursday (3-26)
Breakfast: Pancakes
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: creamy chicken served over noodles with green beans on the side
Snack: snack basket
Friday (3-27)
Breakfast: cereal and toaster strudel
Lunch: sandwiches & chips
Dinner: grilled marinated chicken, fish, & shrimp served with French fries and corn
Snack: cookies & milk
Saturday (3-28)
Breakfast: “Cook’s Choice”
Lunch: pizza
Dinner: cube steak served with crashed potatoes and corn
Snack: snack basket or popcorn