Thursday, October 30, 2008

Frugal Friday--Homemade Trail Mix

We love homemade trail mix just about as much as the bags of Chex Mix that I get at the store for $1. Probably even more than the store bought because it is always an adventure for my kids as to what combination I have put together. I have found that I can make homemade trail mix for about the same price!

We do different combinations of trail mix depending on what types of things I have opened. I have found that when I have bags of crackers, pretzels, cereal and other things that are just about gone it makes it easy to combine those bags into one bowl for a trail mix. It makes those things stretch just a bit further and gets rid of those bags of things that isn't quite enough to feed everyone. The one pictured above has goldfish crackers, pretzel sticks, and fruity cheerios mixed together that I fed to the group of 9 kids that I had here about 2 weeks ago!

Some of the other combinations that we have done:

  • Rice Chex, pretzels, Cheerios, M&Ms, goldfish crackers and peanuts

  • Cheerios, goldfish crackers, chocolate teddy bears, and peanuts

  • Cheez-its, Corn Chex, peanuts, and M&Ms

  • Cheerios, goldfish crackers, honey teddy bears, smarties

  • Cheerios, goldfish crackers, Froot Loops, pretzels, chocolate chips

  • Popcorn, Cheerios, goldfish crackers, peanuts and M&Ms

You could add raisins or dried fruit to the above combinations. We don't like raisins or other dried fruits so those items don't make it into our homemade trail mixes.

I am looking for ideas for different combinations!! If you make your own trail mixes, what combinations do you do that are kid-friendly?

For other frugal tips, recipes and more; head over to Biblical Womanhood.

**reposting from earlier this month**


Blessed Mommy said...

I forget about homemade trail mix. I think I will put this on my grocery list and do this with my oldest Sunday afternoon, thanks. Many Blessings

Susie said...

I am coming to you by way of Happy to be Home. These are great trail mix tips. We also add nuts to our Chex mix;-)

Anonymous said...

See, I am not creative with food at all! I have all of these foods in my house but I would never have thought to mix them up and make my own "mix". Thanks for sharing your idea and my kids Thank you for not having to eat the same old snacks anymore!

SnoWhite said...

we love dried cherries, dark chocolate M&Ms, peanuts and pretzels.