Sunday, November 8, 2009

Menu Plan Monday 11/8-11/14

Last week’s menu plans were a “fly by night” job.  Or better known as “Oh no! Its 4pm in the afternoon, what am I fixing for dinner!” Between not having a plan and sickness in the house, I am amazed that we did not eat out once during the week! We had homemade chicken club sandwiches, creamy chicken over rice, skillet chicken with mac & cheese, cube steaks and crashed potatoes.

This week’s meals are family favorite simple meals.  There is still sickness in the house so I am going the route of using my crockpot or easy meals so that I do not have to spend lots of time in the kitchen. I really would like to get some baking done this week but that will be determined on how much of my energy level increases over the next couple of days.

For this week’s lunches that are for the kids and me!  Unless we are having leftovers, our lunches are served with apple slices or carrot sticks along with fruit juice or water.  Hubby usually takes a dinner leftover along with various snacks for his work lunch so I don’t take the time to plan his lunches.

This week’s shopping trip was a payday week shopping because I didn’t do any shopping last week!!  It was refreshing to take a break from shopping and just work at using what was in the pantry and freezer.

A special thanks to Laura-Organizing Junkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday! Need help with your menus; go check the over 300 other delicious meal plans that have been linked at Laura-Organizing Junkie’s site or look down in my right sidebar for my menu suggestion lists!

Sunday (11-8)
Breakfast: eggs, sausage, hash browns, and chocolate donuts
Lunch: pizza
Dinner: McDonald’s (after church)
Snack: snack basket

Monday (11-9)
Breakfast: cereal and toast
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: roasted chicken served with mashed potatoes & gravy, corn and biscuits
Snack: snack basket

Tuesday (11-10)
Breakfast:  waffles and sausage
Lunch: sandwich & chips
Dinner:  roast, carrots and potatoes served with homemade bread
Snack: snack basket

Wednesday (11-11)
Breakfast:  bagels and cereal
Lunch: sandwich & chips
Dinner:  Bacon burgers, fries and fresh veggie tray
Snack: snack basket

Thursday (11-12)
Breakfast:  Pancakes and sausage
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner:  lemon pepper chicken served with rice and peas
Snack: snack basket

Friday (11-13)
Breakfast:  cereal and toast
Lunch: sandwich & chips
Dinner:  pizza subs
Snack: ice cream night

Saturday (11-14)
Breakfast:  Your Choice
Lunch: chicken nuggets and tater tots
Dinner:  cube steak served with mashed potatoes, corn and rolls
Snack: popcorn


SnoWhite said...

looks like a yummy week of favorites! hope everyone is feeling better soon.

Krista said...

I'm impressed you didn't eat out with being sick. That is an inspiration!

Crashed hot potatoes are one of my favorites! How do you cook your roast? I tend to let mine dry out...not too successful.