Sunday, November 30, 2008

Menu Plan Monday 11/30-12/6

**Another week is upon us so that means it is time for another menu plan! This is just a plan and it could change on the cook’s whim!

I did not do a great job in planning last week's menu plan, I had several days were I was pulling from my freezer those “quick dinners” that took less than 45 minutes to prepare and be ready to eat. I guess that isn’t too bad, because I saved us money and we didn’t resort to ordering take out! We only ate McDonald’s for lunch one day last week while we were out of town at the Air Zoo!

This week's shopping trip was almost non-existent!! I had a $5 off $30 coupon to Aldi’s that I just couldn’t waste so I went there for a few things. Sometime this week I will need to get to Sam’s for my monthly run and then to the regular grocery for a few things as well. Since it is cold and snowy in my neck of the country, I have planned my week of meals from my pantry and freezer just in case I do not make it to the grocery store or to Sam’s.

There are no leftovers from T-day, I used what I had in some potato cakes!

This week on Wednesday I have the privilege of making another meal for a church family, who just had a baby (their firstborn!). I am excited that I might be able to hold a little one again along with easing a new mom’s stress for dinner.

If you are looking for some inspiration on meals you can find links to my menu suggestion lists over in my right side bar down by Organizing Junkie's button.

A special thanks to Laura-Organizing Junkie for hosting Menu Plan Monday! Need help with your menus; go check other delicious meal plans that have been linked at Laura-Organizing Junkie's site! **

Sunday (11-30)
Breakfast: eggs, sausage or steak, hash browns, and jiffy muffins
Lunch: sandwiches and chips
Dinner: leftover spaghetti and meatballs, crescent rolls
Snack: snack basket

Monday (12-1)
Breakfast: cereal and toaster strudel
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: ham, macaroni & cheese, green beans
Snack: cookies & milk

Tuesday (12-2)
Breakfast: waffles and sausage
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: roasted pork loin, mashed potatoes, and corn
Snack: snack basket

Wednesday (12-3)
Breakfast: bagels, and cereal
Lunch: sandwich & chips
Dinner: Chicken Veggie Stew (making some into potpie), Honey Oatmeal
Snack: snack basket

Thursday (12-4)
Breakfast: French Toast
Lunch: pizza rolls
Dinner: cube steak/hotdogs, Crashed Potatoes, and peas
Snack: snack basket

Friday (12-5)
Breakfast: cereal and toast
Lunch: sandwiches & chips
Dinner: fish/chicken nuggets, fries and corn
Snack: ice cream night

Saturday (12-6)
Breakfast: “Cook’s Choice”
Lunch: ??? probably leftovers!
Dinner: homemade pizza or burgers(haven't made up my mind!)
Snack: snack basket or popcorn

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