Monday, January 12, 2009

Taming Those Stacks of Schoolwork

Do you have stacks of schoolwork papers like this around your home?? It is getting to that time of year where we need to start thinking about what we need to keep of that stack of papers from our school year. If you are like me you have saved every paper so far that your child has done over the course of the year, hence having the huge stacks of papers! Well I am here to tell you that you do not need to save every paper!

Read my article with some steps on how to conquer those piles, over at Happy to be at Home.


Donna said...

Great tips!

We primarily use the RC and I buy those cheap spiral notebooks at the beginning of the school year...each kid has 2 and leaves the papers in cut wayyyyyyyy back on my paper problem! at the end of the year...or beginning of the next.. I toss them out! It was so hard...but I did it! :-)

I found a site where I have 2 different logins for older and younger kids that is working very well for teaching typing!
I'm still looking for some form of geometry if you come across something....
I tried your no rise bread and linked family loved it!

SoCalVal said...

Hello, Friend! It's been a while since I connected with you in blogland. It sounds like you have been up to a bunch of stuff!!! I just went through all my paper today. I hate to throw out old school papers, but if I didn't I'd have boxes full!!! Great advice.
