There is still a couple of inches of snow and mounds of snow that are a couple feet high!! You can see that the snow is melting but not as fast as what it has in my front yard! My front yard thinks that spring has sprung because in my front flower beds peeking through the winter leaf blanket are crocuses and tulips and even some of my perennials are starting to green up!
These pictures are just a taste of the green that I am seeing in my front flower beds!
I like the fact that there is green showing but with the early flowers I am afraid we are going to hit with late season snow and all my tulips will be ruined! I also don't like the kids playing in this in between time because it is hard to know how to dress them for the outdoors because no matter what they come home soaked to the bone and muddy!
Has spring sprung where you live??
Oh boy, I hope it's almost here! I need to go dig up the snow and look for green.
BTW, it's difficult to see the comment link, the font color is light. I almost missed it.
Yay spring!! I haven't seen an flowers yet, but spring is in the air! It's supposed to be warm this week-end. Blessings!
PS I was going to say the same thing about the comment link.
How exciting! We don't have flowers yet but not too much longer, I hope. :D
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