What I have accomplished so far today:
--kids' breakfast (scrambled eggs, & bagels & cereal)
--got my younger two dressed
--"referee" the morning chore routine
--got 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away
--got 3 loads of laundry folded and put away (these loads were sitting in a basket waiting for me, since no one else knows how to fold!)
--put a second coat of paint on baseboard trim in the playroom.
--fixed/heated up lunch for the kids and me
--browned some burger to freeze before it went bad in the fridge.
--showered and dressed myself
--schooled the three older ones(actually kept them on task as they were doing independent work this morning).
--paid three out of 10 bills that are due this pay period. Hubby only gets paid twice a month so we divide our bills between the two pay periods. Then I pay bills on payday and then I don't have to worry about them until the next payday. Pay bills(including tithe) first, then am able to know what we have left for gas for vehicles and groceries.
--got dinner(roast, carrots, & potatoes) in the slow cooker and it turned on to cook! :)
Still need to do:
--pay the rest of the bills
--make honey oat bread
--make double choc. muffins
--make double choc. cookies
--divide up the pork chops for freezer
--finish school with the boys
--call my mother to wish her Happy Birthday!
I'll be back to update my list!
Wow! Can you come to my house when you are done? :)
Amazing! Isn't it just the best feeling to accomplish a list like that!?!?
I am very tired just reading this list.
WOw! WTG!! :D It is great to be able to look and see what you can accomplish and making lists to help get it all done. :D
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