My hubby has been working at having his odd n end screws and such organized so he got these little containers with dividers in them to sort his things in. I got thinking that I could use those little storage containers too but for other things!! Did you know that these little storage containers could fit into one of those big Lego tubs?? Well it can so I got one for my boys with TONS of Legos to put their littlest pieces of Legos in so they aren't having to dig thru the big tub and so they don't have to dump out the big tub to scatter little pieces for my 1yo to find and put in his mouth.
These work for me to keep those small things organized and together.
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I never thought about legos. Really good idea. My oldest son has an erector building set... they would work great for this too! Thanks for the idea. BTW, how was the taco soup?
Great idea! My brother and I always used fishing tackle boxes for little stuff...but our grandfather was a HUGE fisherman and loved to give us things like that as 'toys'! lol
We have a kazillion leggos. Thanks for the tip.
I missed WFMW so I'm browsing them now.
I have a new blog focusing on home organization. http://heartofwisdom.com/heartathome
Great idea! Thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know about your post. :)
I love any idea that helps me organize the 7 million Lego pieces we have. Thanks!
I love those containers! I have several in my craft room. For my girls' hair do-dads we use a small hardware organizer with pull-out drawers. Anything to keep them off the counter!
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